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Working with the onboard LEDs of the IoT Proto Shield Plus

Published : 02/25/2022 08:14:32
Categories : IoT Proto Shield Plus , Proto Shield Plus

Using the two on-board LEDs of the IoT Proto Shield Plus

The IoT Proto Shield Plus comes with two on-board LEDs useful to quickly setup a visual feedback for testing.

LEDs Section of the IoT Proto Shield Plus
LEDs Section of the IoT Proto Shield Plus

LEDs Section of the IoT Proto Shield Plus

Schematic of the IoT Proto Shield Plus LEDs Section
Schematic of the IoT Proto Shield Plus LEDs Section

Default connections

IoT Proto Shield Plus LEDs default connections

Sample Sketches

The sample sketches are very easy, they let you test the RED and GRN LEDs making them blink.
Download the sample sketches by clicking here.

Location: IoTPSP_Sample_SketchesIoTPSP_LEDs

According to the board you are using and the signals routing, the sketches make the green (GRN) and the red (RED) LEDs blink.

Use the IoTPSP_LEDs_NANO sketch to test the LEDs with ARDUINO NANO boards.
Use the IoTPSP_LEDs_ESP32 sketch to test the LEDs with ESP32 boards.
Use the IoTPSP_LEDs_ESP8266 sketch to test the LEDs with ESP8266 boards.

Using the LEDs with different GPIO pins

According to the above picture of the schematic, GRN and RED LEDs are routed to the default GPIO pins by means of JP11 and JP9.
To disconnect GRN LED from its default GPIO, you must open JP11 (cut it in the middle).
To disconnect RED LED from its default GPIO, you must open JP9 (cut it in the middle).
Solder a header on J6 and, by means of some jumper wires, connect GRN and RED LEDs to other GPIO pins according to your needs.
Please check the default signal routing of the IoT Proto Shield Plus to  avoid conflict with other default connections.

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