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Powering the Proto Shield Plus with an external power supply

Published : 05/16/2018 14:36:17
Categories : Proto Shield Plus

Powering the Proto Shield Plus with an external power supply

If you prefer, you can power the Proto Shield Plus with an external 7 to 9 VDC power supply.

To power the board you can add a 2.1mm power jack (not provided with the board) or use the two power pads on the bottom of the board.

The external power supply connects to Arduino Vin pin by means of SJVin (closed by default).

If you would like to add a protection to prevent inverse polarity, you can cut SJVin in the middle and add the protection diode (DP, see schematics).

Some capacitors could be added using C1, C2, C7 pads.

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply TOP close-up

The 2.1mm jack used to connect the external power supply

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply 2.1mm jack

The two power pads on the bottom of the board

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply BOTTOM

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply schematics

The Proto Shield Plus external power supply schematics

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