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Using the SPI pins on the MKR2UNO Plus

Published : 04/22/2019 19:19:03
Categories : Proto Shield Plus

Using SPI pins (MOSI, MISO and SCK)

Arduino MKR boards have MOSI,MISO and SCK pins on D8,D10 and D9 (we are going to call them MKR8, MKR10 and MKR9 to distinguish them from D8,D10 and D9 on the MKR2UNO Plus).
MKR8 connects by default to MOSI and D8 pins on the MKR2UNO Plus board by means of JMKR8. 
MKR10 connects by default to MISO and D10 pins on the MKR2UNO Plus board by means of JMKR10. 
MKR9 connects by default to SCK and D9 pins on the MKR2UNO Plus board by means of JMKR9. 
You can disconnect MKR10 from MOSI or D10 cutting JMKR10 (see following pictures).
You can disconnect MKR8 from MISO or D8 cutting JMKR8 (see see following pictures).
You can disconnect MKR9 from SCK or D9 cutting (see see following pictures).
Configure the MKR2UNO Plus according to your project needs.

The MKR2UNO Plus MOSI, MISO, SCK, D8, D10, D9, MKR8, MKR10 and MKR9 pins

The MKR2UNO Plus MOSI, MISO, SCK, D8, D10, D9, MKR8, MKR10 and MKR9 pins

The MKR2UNO Plus JMKR8, JMKR10 and JMKR9

The MKR2UNO Plus JMKR8, JMKR10 and JMKR9

The MKR2UNO Plus JMKR8, JMKR10 and JMKR9

Once cut, you can reconnect MKR8 to D8 and / or MOSI soldering a little drop of tin. 
Once cut, you can reconnect MKR9 to D9 and / or SCK soldering a little drop of tin. 

Once cut, you can reconnect MKR10 to D10 and / or MISO soldering a little drop of tin

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