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5V and 3V3 on the IoT Proto Shield Plus board

Published : 02/04/2022 08:40:16
Categories : IoT Proto Shield Plus , Proto Shield Plus

5V and 3V3 on the IoT Proto Shield Plus board

ESP32, ESP8266, NANO and NANO33 boards have an operating voltage of 5V or 3,3V (from now on 3V3).

A 5V operating voltage device can handle a 3V3 input signal on its pins, while a 3V3 operating voltage device may be damaged if connected to a 5V input signal.

That’s why the IoT Proto Shield Plus routes 3V3 voltage as the default voltage to power all the Plug & Play modules that you can plug in it.

Vbrd sets and routes the operating voltage of the IoT Proto Shield Plus. 

All the Plug & Play modules work properly at 3V3 on the IoT Proto Shield Plus.

Schematic of the routing of 3V3 or 5V to Vbrd
Schematic of the routing of 3V3 or 5V to Vbrd

Switching Vbrd to 5V

Be very careful if you switch Vbrd to 5V because you can damage some 3V3 operating voltage devices.

To switch Vbrd to 5V: OPEN (cut in the middle) the connection between JP1 pad 1 and pad 2 and CLOSE (connect with a little drop of tin) JP1 pad 2 to pad 3 (see next pictures).

JP1 on the IoT Proto Shield PlusJP1 on the IoT Proto Shield Plus

Setting Vbrd to 3V3 (default)
Setting Vbrd to 3V3 (default)

Setting Vbrd to 5V
Setting Vbrd to 5V

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